What is a Management on business? - Gyan Guru

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Sunday, June 10, 2018

What is a Management on business?

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  Topic : what is a Management on Business ? 


                    Management is a applicable everywhere. It has become                        the Key of success  in the modern world. Today many                            countries are under-developed because they lack                                    management Without management, an Organization                            can't run smoothly. Even a person can't run his properly                      without management. You can see MAnagement                                    everywhere- in school, college, hospital, military, hotels                         etc.


                       In simple words, means the act of getting people                                     together to accomplish the desired goal.Management                             means  manage - men tactfully to accomplish the                                   desired goal. It does not mean to manage only people.                           We can manage ourselves & material resources.
                  ⏩ 1.  The art of getting things done through others.
                  ⏩ 2.   Management is the art & science of decision                                             making  & leadership
                   ⏩ 3. Management is what manager does. Etc.
                              (1) Management as a process :
                                    Management is called a process because it                                                performs a series of functions. It is a                                                          continuous process consisting of planning,                                                organising, staffing, directing & Controlling. 
                          (2) Management as a group process of managers :
                                     Management is the group of people which                                                 perform managerial functions for the                                                         accomplishment of desired goals. The people a                                       are known as managers. Manager is a member                                        of the management.
                            (3).Management as a Discipline. 👇 
                                       Management is a recognised as a discipline of                                         a field of study. It is taught as a specialized                                               branch of knowledge in educational                                                           institutions. After obtaining a diploma degree                                         in management, a person can try for                                                           managerial job.
                             (4). Management as an art & science. 👇 
                                      Management is both an art & Science.                                                        Management has been organized  body of                                                 knowledge consisting of concepts, principles                                          &  techniques. So it is treated as a science. The                                        application of these concepts, principal &                                                  techniques. So it is treated as a Science.  
Thanks for Reading 📖 ... 
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