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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Full Detail a Types of training (HRM)? Part-2

June 17, 2018 2
Full Detail a Types  of training (HRM)?  Part-2
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Topic = Full Detail a Types of training (HRM)?  Part-2

           Induction training is used for new employees. It is the process of introducing new employees to the organization. The new employee is introduced to his situation, to his co-employees, company policies & procedures. Orientation training should be well planned & conducted within the first of employment.
 Apprenticeship training is commonly found in industries such as carpentry, plumbing & crafts, like mechanisms, electronics, welders etc. In this year of training, trainees spend a   prescribed period of time working with an experienced master worker.
 Refresher training is arranged for existing to improve their knowledge, with the passage of tome, employee's skill may become outdated because of rapid changes in technology. By refresher training, the company may makes keep its employees up to date.
 Internship training programmes have become popular these days, Under this method, vocational institute in provides practical knowledge to its students  For example, Engineering students are sent to big industries for gaining practical work experience & medical students are students big hospitals to get practical knowledge.
This training is offered on actual equipment used on the job but conducted away from the actual work setting a simulated work situation. Vestibule training is suitable Where a large number of persons are to be trained at same time.

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Saturday, June 16, 2018

Definition of Training, need & importance of training in (HRM) ? Part - 1

June 16, 2018 0
Definition of Training, need & importance of training in (HRM) ? Part - 1
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Topic =Definition of Training, need & importance of training in (HRM) ? Part - 1 

 Training is an important activity in an organization. Training increases the knowledge & skills of an employee for doing a particular job. Training is necessary for the making the employee 's knowledge & skills up to date. In training employees learn new habits, methods, skills, knowledge, rules & regulations that help them to improve performance. Training prepares employees for higher level jobs. For example, when a new machine in installed in a factory, It is operated on trial basis before going into actual production. In the same way, a new employee also needs a training period of adjustment to the new environment.

According to "Flippo"= "Training is the act of increasing the knowledge & skills of an employee for doing a particular job."

Training improves current job performance. Training is needed to achieve the following purposes:-

  • Newly recruited employees require training to perform their tasks effectively. 
  • Existing employees require refresher training. 
  • Training is necessary when a person moves from one job to another. 
  • To make employees mobile & versatile. 
  • To make employees more productive & useful. 
  • To Bridge the gap between what the employee has and what the job demands. 
  Training offers benefits to both employees. It makes the employees more productive & more useful to an organization. 
⏩ Benefits of the Business
  • Trained workers can work more efficiently. 
  • They use machine  tools & materials in a proper way. 
  • Wastage is eliminated.
  • There will be fewer accidents.
  • Training improves the knowledge of employees. 
  • Trained workers need no close supervision. 
  • Labour Turn over is reduced.  
  • Trained workers can show superior performance. 
⏩ Benefits of Employees
  • Training makes employees more efficient & effective. 
  • They can produce  more with minimum effort. 
  • Training makes an employee more useful to a firm. 
  • Training enables employees to secure promotion easily. 
  • Employees can avoid mistakes, accidents on the job.
  • Employees will be more satisfied on their jobs. 
  • Employees can handle jobs with more confidence. 
  • Employees can realize their career goals comfortably.

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Friday, June 15, 2018

Define Recruitment sources in detail? ( HRM)

June 15, 2018 1
Define Recruitment sources in detail? ( HRM)
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Topic = Define Recruitment sources in detail  👇 

 Recruitment is an important part of an Organization 's human resources planing recruitment refers to the process of searching, attracting motivating & selecting qualified people for jobs in an Organization. In simple words recruitment is the generating of applications for specific positions. It is a positive process. The objective of the recruitment process is to obtain the quality of the employees. Recruitment acts as a link between employees & the job seekers. Recruitment ensures the placement of right candidate at the right place at the right time.


  The sources within the organization it self (like transfer of employee, promotions) to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment internal sources of recruitment are readily available to an organization. 
1. Transfer
 Transfer means shifting of an employee front one job place to another. It may lead to changes in the duties, responsibilities & working conditions Etc. It does not involve the increase in salaries. As the time transfer, it is ensured that the employee is capable of performing the new job. 
2. Promotion
  Promotion means shifting an employee to a higher  position  It involves higher responsibilities, facilities status & Many companies fill the higher jobs by promotion.Promotion motivates the employees. 
3.Job Posting
 job posting is another way of recruiting people from within  The organization publicises job openings on bulletin boards. It offers a chance to highly qualified employees to look for growth within the company. 
4. Skills Inventory 
 HR keeps a record of employee reviews the inventory to identify employees that might qualify for the job & invite them to apply. 
5.Employee Referral
 Employee referal means using personal contacts to fill job vacancies. The current employees are encouraged to recommend the names of their friends & relatives. This has become a  popular way of recruiting  people.   


  Recruiting employee from all the other sources (like outsourcing agency, advertisement etc.) are known source of recruitment .Every enterprise has to recruit employees from outside for filling the positions. 
 Advertisement has an  important place in recruitment. Advertisement is given in newspaper, journals & employment news etc. These advertisements give a brief view about organization, job description & compensation packages etc. 
2.Educational Institutes 
Various management institutes, engineering colleges, medical colleges etc. Are good sources of recruiting. They provide well qualified executives, engineers, medical staffsetc. 
3.Employment Exchanges
 Employment exchanges are run by government. These are good sources of recruitment for unskilled jobs. Thus the employment exchanges keep the givers in contact with the job seekers. 
4.Employment Agencies
There are many consultancies which look towards recruitment of people These private agencies supply required manpower to needy enterprises.
5.Labour Contractors
 Labour contractors are an important source of recruitment. Labour contractors supply manpower to the factories of manufacturing plants. In this method, workers are appointed on contract basis i.e. For a particular time period. 
6. Recruitment at factory Gate
In this method applications for vacancies are presented at the gate. Thus the workers appointed are known as "badli workers" They may be employed whenever a permanent worker is absent.  

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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Human Resources Management(HRM)of Features & Functions in detail?

June 14, 2018 0
Human Resources Management(HRM)of Features  & Functions in detail?
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Topic = HRM of Features & functions in detail. 👇 


  1. It is present in all enterprise. 
  2. It motivates  through a systematic process of recruitment, selection & training. 
  3. It is all about people at work both as individuals & groups.  
  4. It focuses on action rather than record keeping, written procedures or rules.
  5. it tries to develop the full potential of employees. 
  6. It tries to maintain cordial relations people working at various levels in the Organization. 
  7. It is a continuous process.
  8. It advises the other managers to do their personal work more efficiently pulling together. 

  1. It decide manpower requirement in the Organization periodically. 
  2. It organises training & development programmers for the employees. 
  3. HRM organises retraining for updating the skills of employees. 
  4. HRM recruits, selects & places personal. 
  5. HRM develops the communication system at all levels of the organization. 
  6. HRM provides better working conditions in the Organization. 
  7. HRM motivates employees to accomplish the organizational objectives. 
  8. HRM does understanding & identifying individual needs & career goals. 
  9. HRM maintains high level of morale among employees. 
  10. HRM develops overall personality of each employee. 
  11. HRM increases employees' capabilities to perform the present job well. 
  12. HRM provides well trained & well motivated employees. 

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

What is a Human Resources Management (HRM)?

June 13, 2018 0
What is a Human Resources Management (HRM)?
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Topic : what is a Human Resources Mangement HRM? 

    Human resources management is very important part of Management. The success of an Organization depends on human resources skills & experience. HRM is concerned with getting better results with the collaboration of people. HRM maintain better human relations in the Organization.
 Today, people are the most valuable asset of Organization. The duty of the modren manager is to get things done through people. He has to bring employees into contact with the organization in such a way that the objectives of both groups are achieved.

      Human resources management is a process of bringing people & Organization together so that the goals of each are met. It is concerned with the management of human resources in the organization. In the past, human resources were treated as a liability. Employees join the Organization come not only with their technical knowledge but also with their personal feelings. So, HRM, means the various aspects of human resources, Human resources management deals with issues related to people such as recruitment, selection, Organization development, employee safety, wellness, motivation, communication & training.
     ⏩  In simple words, We can say that HRM means employing people, developing their capacities, utilizing & maintaining thier service to achieve the goals of an Organization in an effective & efficient manner.

      According to Gulik :  "HRM is concerned with the most effective use of people to achieve organizational & individual goals. It is the way of managing people at work, so that they give their best to the Organization."

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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Functions of Management ?

June 12, 2018 0
Functions of Management ?
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Topic : Functions of Management  👇  

  Management of a modern business enterprise is a complex process. It is very difficult to understand the real nature of this process without studying its various functions. It the process of managing, a discussed performs various for the achievement of objectives. Many scholars have discussed the functions of Management.But there is no universally accepted classification of managerial functions.
               Luther Gulik coined the acronym 'PODSCORB' to describe the functions of Management. This word is made up of the initials of following functions.

P= Planning : determine objectives in advance & choose                                                  methods  to achieve them;
O= Organizing : establish a structure of authority for all work;
D= Directing : make decisions, issue orders ;
S= Staffing : recruit, hire & train workers ;
Co= Coordination : interrelate all sectors of the Organization ;
R= Reporting : Report to the top management ;
B= Budgeting : An estimate of future needs ;
                 Generally, we can divide the management functions into :

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Monday, June 11, 2018

Scope of Management?

June 11, 2018 1
Scope of Management?
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Topic : Scope of Management..... 👇 

 The scope of Management is wide enough to covet all organised activities & processes.  The scope of Management is also known as branches of management. These are as Under :
⏩ Production Management
⏩ Marketing Management 
⏩ Material Management
⏩ Financial Management
⏩ Purchase Management
⏩ Personal Management
         Production management is concerned with the manufacture of goods & services. It deals with the co-ordination of production operations of an enterprise. The main problems involved in production management are plant location & layout, production, plant facilities, purchasing & inventory control, quality & cost control repair & maintenance etc.

            Marketing is a process which carries goods from producer to consumer. Marketing bridges the gap between consumer & producer, In marketing management  decisions have to be made regarding product design, brand name, pricing, channels of distributions, advertising & sales promotion.

         Material management is concerned with control of materials in such a manner, which ensures maximum return on working capital, Material management includes scientific purchasing, storage & handling of materials with minimum wastage.

         Financial management refers to the procurement & effective utilisation of funds required in business. finance is the life blood of an Organization. No business can run smoothly without finance.

         Purchase manager is concerned with the procurement of proper equipment, materials & supplies of the quantities at the prices & at the right time. The purchase department is linked very closely with the production department. Purchasing is responsible for spending the largest portion of a company 's budget.

             Personal management deals with people. It consists of managing the human resources. Personal management is concerned with the recruitment, selection  development, comparison  wages & salary administration, performance appraisal & industrial relations etc.

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